Saturday, February 20, 2010

The Meal Plan

  • Chevre Stuffed Lambburgers with Fries
  • Half-Homemade Pizza with Mushrooms and Peppers
  • Chicken Stir Fry with Udon Noodles
  • Club Sandwiches on Whole Wheat
  • Chicken Enchiladas
  • Chevre Omlettes with Spinach Salad and Baguette


  1. Sue,
    That sounds like a rather elegant menu. Chevre? What the heck is that? And I couldn't identify an udon noodle in a lineup of pasta. Is udon even pasta? Probably not. My guess is something Asian. Our approach is to stand in front of the open refrigerator while listing everything we see until something catches our fancy (while eating a handful of crackers).
    I admire you for your organizational skill and forethought. I am sure it makes life go much more smoothly.

  2. Chevre is goat cheese. Yum. Udon noodles are asian. They are like linguine, but chubbier and yummier. If I didn't plan meals, we would all starve while going insane.
